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The unsaid words that matter most in Noem’s feud with tribes

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem faces challenges in her relationship with Native American tribes. The Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe’s ban on her entry to tribal lands prompted reflection on her rhetoric and actions. Noem’s comments about tribal leadership and drug cartels were criticized and an apology is seen as a potential path to reconciliation and improved relations. Continue reading The unsaid words that matter most in Noem’s feud with tribes

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What further Trump sins and crimes will SD’s highest elected officials excuse?

South Dakota Republicans, including Governor Noem, criticize the conviction of ex-President Trump, showing a departure from their party’s traditional values. They voice concerns about the trial’s fairness and its potential impact on Trump’s political future. Their response highlights a shift away from prioritizing moral principles and the rule of law. Continue reading What further Trump sins and crimes will SD’s highest elected officials excuse?

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Iowa GOP reaction to Trump verdict misses the key point

Iowa’s top Republicans unanimously criticized the guilty verdict against Donald Trump, but none declared his innocence. The focus was on the trial being politically motivated, raising concerns about their views on the American legal system. State Auditor Rob Sand emphasized respect for juries, highlighting the importance of citizen judgment, which is crucial beyond political implications. Continue reading Iowa GOP reaction to Trump verdict misses the key point

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Who are you? Issues of identity run deeper than politics

The article discusses the intertwining of philosophy, politics, and personal identity. It delves into the theories of John Locke and David Hume, along with modern debates surrounding gender and sexual orientation. The author emphasizes the importance of virtues in shaping our interactions and creating timeless memories, transcending societal labels and personal ambitions. Continue reading Who are you? Issues of identity run deeper than politics

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I’m taking a vacation from covering local government

I’m told it’s springtime. I would guess that is true judging from the green color of the grass and the leaves in the trees around Siouxland. I don’t want to waste any more of my time sitting in city council or county commission chambers observing our elected officials haggle over whether or not this plat has been correctly presented and dated. I’m annoyed by the one-upmanship and other games being played. So, for the next three or four or five months I leave you to your own motivations.

Continue reading I’m taking a vacation from covering local government

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What Noem’s shot heard around the world says about her approach to problems

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem’s upcoming memoir reveals that she shot and killed her healthy 14-month-old German wirehaired pointer, Cricket, due to unruly behavior. This has sparked controversy and calls into question her responsible dog ownership. The governor’s attempt to portray herself as a tough problem-solver clashes with this action. The story has garnered significant attention, both in social and traditional media. Continue reading What Noem’s shot heard around the world says about her approach to problems

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Farm insurance unfairness: Taxpayers foot the bill, but only for the ‘golden crops’

Farmers in Iowa face challenges getting insurance coverage for agritourism due to high premiums and limited options. The federally subsidized insurance largely benefits large-scale commodity crops, leaving smaller-scale farmers with limited support. Calls for reform and reduced subsidies highlight the disparity, with Republican lawmakers advocating for increased support for the “Golden Crops.” The author questions the fairness of taxpayer-funded support for crop insurance while essential public services remain underfunded. Continue reading Farm insurance unfairness: Taxpayers foot the bill, but only for the ‘golden crops’

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The media should shut up about the Trump jurors

I was astounded Tuesday evening when I turned on CNN and saw anchors and analysts revealing details about the seven jurors picked so far in the first criminal trial of Donald Trump.

There weren’t any names or faces revealed, but many other facts were. At the risk of compounding the error, but citing one example to make the point, here’s how CNN described a juror.

“The third seated juror is a corporate lawyer. He’s originally from Oregon. He gets his news from The New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Google. He’s a younger man who’s never been married and doesn’t have kids.” Continue reading The media should shut up about the Trump jurors

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To whom it may concern

I’m back with another installment of To Whom It May Concern, my multi-topic opinion column about the goings-on in Siouxland, South Dakota, the nation and the world. I’d been meaning to write this earlier – like last month – but things kept getting in the way. Like my health. I had a cold which turned into a bad sinus infection that kept me in bed for most of a week with a fever. Now that I’m almost 71, stuff like that seems to hit me particularly hard. It sucks getting old. But don’t cry for me Argentina, I’ve rebounded, for the most part. Continue reading To whom it may concern

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Immigrants are not the problem. Don’t believe the propaganda.

My folks floated over the pond with the cattle down below in steerage. One was an indentured servant, another a prison guard, others were among an army of Irish who helped drive the Native people off the Mississippi River near Dubuque to claim the lead mines. Still another branch settled the sloughs around Emmetsburg about the time the last Dakota were being driven out.

Immigrants. Good and not so good. The Mulroney brothers were not a welcome sight to the existing indigenous people when Fort Dodge was still a fort.

It cannot be avoided. It’s who we are, a nation of immigrants determined to write a new story for ourselves: That we came by it all fair and square; we did not. That we earned it; we stole it. And now that we are in control, we would rather keep others out. Until we need the cheap labor. Continue reading Immigrants are not the problem. Don’t believe the propaganda.