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Makerspace, new businesses bring hope for former ‘Skid Row of the Plains’

In Whiteclay, Nebraska, the Makerspace has replaced alcohol with art, providing a place for local artisans to create and sell goods. The initiative has transformed the village, reducing alcohol-related problems and improving the local economy. However, state support is lacking, hindering the Makerspace’s full potential for positive change. Continue reading Makerspace, new businesses bring hope for former ‘Skid Row of the Plains’

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Restaurant inspection update for April: Undated food, dirty carts, bare hands

State, city and county food inspectors have cited Iowa and South Dakota restaurants and stores for hundreds of food-safety violations in recent weeks, including unsourced beef, lack of food thermometers, unclean equipment, handling food with bare hands, repeat violations and dirty kitchens.

The findings are reported by the Iowa Department of Inspections, Appeals and Licensing, which handles food-establishment inspections at the state level. South Dakota food establishment inspections are handled by the South Dakota Department of Health. Listed below are some of the findings that stem from inspections at Siouxland restaurants and convenience stores over the past four weeks or so.

Continue reading Restaurant inspection update for April: Undated food, dirty carts, bare hands

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Sioux Center police officer forced to quit after domestic abuse arrest

A Sioux Center police officer who was forced to resign after a domestic abuse arrest — a charge that was later dismissed — and a failed psychological test is entitled to unemployment benefits, a judge has ruled.

According to state records, Steve S. Topete began working for the City of Sioux Center as a full-time police officer in June 2023. When he was hired, he was required to take and pass the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory test, which is a 600-question survey designed to measure an individual’s integrity, character and suitability as a law enforcement officer, with the answers reviewed by a psychologist. All certified law enforcement officers in Iowa are required to take the test. Continue reading Sioux Center police officer forced to quit after domestic abuse arrest

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Board: Acupuncture patient was abandoned, called sheriff’s office for help

An Iowa man had to call the sheriff’s office for assistance after his acupuncturist inserted needles into his body, then went home and fell asleep, according to the State Board of Medicine.

Board records and a report from the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office indicate that on June 12, 2023, a male patient went to the Rock Rapids office of XiaoDong “Dave” Wang, a state-licensed acupuncturist. According to the board, Wang inserted acupuncture needles into the man’s body, left the Wang Acupuncture Clinic, went home and fell asleep. Continue reading Board: Acupuncture patient was abandoned, called sheriff’s office for help

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Marching through restaurant inspections in Siouxland – Update for Iowa and S.D.

State, city and county food inspectors have cited Iowa and South Dakota restaurants and stores for hundreds of food-safety violations in recent weeks, including poorly cooked beef, lack of food thermometers, unclean equipment, handling food with bare hands, repeat violations and dirty kitchens.

The findings are reported by the Iowa Department of Inspections, Appeals and Licensing, which handles food-establishment inspections at the state level. South Dakota food establishment inspections are handled by the South Dakota Department of Health. Listed below are some of the findings that stem from inspections at Siouxland restaurants and convenience stores over the past five weeks.

Dig in to the details. Continue reading Marching through restaurant inspections in Siouxland – Update for Iowa and S.D.

Sergeant Bluff entrepreneur wins SBA’s top state award

The owner of a catering business and event venue in northwest Iowa is being named the Iowa Small Business Person of the Year by the Iowa district office of the U.S. Small Business Administration.

Cathy Bishop is the President of Aggies, Inc., a BBQ catering company in her hometown of Sergeant Bluff, Iowa.

A 1983 graduate of Texas A&M (the Aggies), Bishop spent ten years in Colorado as a bank examiner. She had always dreamed of being an entrepreneur though, and in 1994 she came home and opened Aggies. Aggies began as a restaurant with some catering, but in 2009 Aggies pivoted to catering full-time and turned the restaurant into an event venue.

Continue reading Sergeant Bluff entrepreneur wins SBA’s top state award

Elk Point’s Fleurish Flower Farm named Specialty Crop Producer of the Year

The South Dakota Specialty Producers Association (SDSPA) and the S.D. The Dept. of Agriculture and Natural Resources moved to recognize one specialty crop producer for making an outstanding contribution to local production in South Dakota. 

Christy Heckathorn of Fleurish Flower Farm, is the 2023 S.D. Specialty Crop Producer of the Year.

Fleurish’s one-acre flower farm, near Elk Point, S.D., is home to a variety of annuals, perennials and an heirloom pumpkin patch. Continue reading Elk Point’s Fleurish Flower Farm named Specialty Crop Producer of the Year

Sioux City pharmacy fined for life-threatening medication error

A Sioux City pharmacy with a history of regulatory violations has been fined for a medication error that led to a life-threatening situation for a customer.

The Iowa Board of Pharmacy alleges that on Oct. 4, 2023, Greenville Pharmacy in Sioux City incorrectly filled a prescription for a customer who then began taking the drug.

Three weeks later, the customer was treated in the emergency room of a hospital and was then admitted for what the board says was a “life-threatening condition resulting from this medication error.”

Greenville Pharmacy was charged Continue reading Sioux City pharmacy fined for life-threatening medication error

It’s Girl Scout Cookie time!

In case you weren’t aware of it, it’s time to purchase boxes of Thin Mints, Do-si-dos, Samoas, Trefoils, Tagalongs, and all your other favorite yummy Girl Scout Cookies.

Whether you’ve there are Girl Scouts from your neighborhood knocking on your door with an order list while a watchful parent waits nearby in a car or on the sidewalk, or a co-worker lets you know their daughter or niece is selling the cookies and they have an order form in their desk or you see a group of Girl Scouts stationed at a table in front of the grocery store, it’s hard to not be aware of the annual fundraising event. Continue reading It’s Girl Scout Cookie time!

To whom it may concern

I’ve been wanting to write a multi-topic opinion column for some time. It’s not that I haven’t let my personal views seep into my reporting about various activities earlier. For example, you might want to look up one of my stories about the Union County Commission to see what I think about their workings. I admit that my writing isn’t always objective. So what? I own this site and I don’t get paid to write, photograph or post the stories that appear on it. So there.

You might consider this column in a similar light to Frank Costanza’s “Airing of the Grievances” on the classic Festivus episode during the Jerry Seinfeld Show. During that episode, many might remember, Frank — who was George Costanza’s father — stands up and shouts, “I’ve got a lot of problems with you people! Now you’re going to hear about them.” I loved Frank.

Continue reading To whom it may concern