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Amid mental health crisis, new compact allows social workers to practice across state lines

Sex therapist and social worker Stefani Goerlich struggles when clients move away from Michigan due to restrictions on providing telehealth services across state lines. In response to America’s mental health crisis, an increasing number of states are empowering social workers to practice across state lines. The Social Work Licensure Compact is facilitating this, benefiting practitioners and patients alike. Continue reading Amid mental health crisis, new compact allows social workers to practice across state lines

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Board: Pharmacy error led to overdose, possible death

Several Iowa pharmacies, including Hamilton Drive Hy-Vee Pharmacy, have been fined and ordered to undergo training for dispensing incorrect medications. These errors have led to serious consequences for patients, such as potential overdoses and seizures. The Iowa Board of Pharmacy has taken disciplinary actions against the pharmacies involved, imposing civil penalties and ordering educational training on medication errors and patient safety. Continue reading Board: Pharmacy error led to overdose, possible death

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Iowa care facilities cited for resident abuse, lack of safe environment

Multiple Iowa nursing homes are facing fines for resident abuse and safety violations. The Happy Siesta Health Care Center in Remsen was fined for a serious safety violation, while other facilities were cited for neglect and abuse. The state is taking enforcement action to ensure the safety and well-being of nursing home residents. Continue reading Iowa care facilities cited for resident abuse, lack of safe environment

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DOH unveils WOW Mobile Clinics to improve healthcare access to underserved communities in South Dakota

The South Dakota Department of Health is launching Wellness on Wheels (WOW) mobile clinics to provide essential healthcare services to underserved communities. The initiative aims to address healthcare barriers, improve health outcomes, and promote wellness. The mobile clinics will offer a range of services including WIC, immunizations, oral health, and STD testing, among others. Continue reading DOH unveils WOW Mobile Clinics to improve healthcare access to underserved communities in South Dakota

South Dakota’s high healthcare costs causing many to skip treatments

The high cost of obtaining health care in South Dakota – ranked second most expensive in the nation – is prompting some residents to forgo necessary medical care over worries they cannot afford it, according to a recent national data analysis.

South Dakota is followed only by North Carolina in a new national ranking of healthcare expenses based on the cost of medical care and insurance. At nearly $12,500 per year, the state has the highest per-capita healthcare spending rate among all Great Plains states, the data show. Continue reading South Dakota’s high healthcare costs causing many to skip treatments

Spencer Hospital nurse charged with overdosing patients

An Iowa hospital nurse has pleaded not guilty to criminal charges that she deliberately overdosed patients with medications.

Rachel Faith Martinez, 36, of Peterson, is charged with six criminal violations related to her work at Clay County’s Spencer Hospital in late 2022.

The charges include two felony counts of obtaining a prescription drug by deceit and four counts of wanton neglect of a dependent adult by a caretaker, a serious misdemeanor. Continue reading Spencer Hospital nurse charged with overdosing patients

Sioux City pharmacy fined for life-threatening medication error

A Sioux City pharmacy with a history of regulatory violations has been fined for a medication error that led to a life-threatening situation for a customer.

The Iowa Board of Pharmacy alleges that on Oct. 4, 2023, Greenville Pharmacy in Sioux City incorrectly filled a prescription for a customer who then began taking the drug.

Three weeks later, the customer was treated in the emergency room of a hospital and was then admitted for what the board says was a “life-threatening condition resulting from this medication error.”

Greenville Pharmacy was charged Continue reading Sioux City pharmacy fined for life-threatening medication error

Long-term care committee’s work translates into legislative success

Out of the 12 recommendations made by an interim legislative committee studying the sustainability of long-term care in South Dakota, most passed the legislative process.

That’s a clear success, said committee co-chair Sen. Jean Hunhoff, R-Yankton. Legislators were challenged last year to produce recommendations that would pass through the process, something that summer studies have struggled with in years past. This year’s legislative session ended last week, except for a day on March 25 to consider vetoes. Continue reading Long-term care committee’s work translates into legislative success

Your guide to which bills survived the first legislative ‘funnel’ (and which didn’t)

Most of the priority bills proposed by Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds and Republican legislators made it through the first major deadline for the 2024 legislative session. But the details of many of those major bills are still subject to change in the coming weeks.

In her Condition of the State speech in January, Reynolds laid out goals to make significant changes to Iowa’s Area Education Agencies and the state’s mental health care system. She also announced plans to merge or cut many of the state’s boards and commissions.

Lawmakers moved bills on these issues, and many more, through the committee process in the past week. Most legislation had to be passed by a committee in at least one chamber by the end of “funnel week” to remain eligible for consideration during the session.

Here’s a rundown of some of the notable bills that survived – and some that did not – during the first funnel week: Continue reading Your guide to which bills survived the first legislative ‘funnel’ (and which didn’t)

Republicans and Democrats offer competing solutions in Iowa Legislature to nursing home ‘crisis’

Democratic state lawmakers are pushing legislation to increase state oversight of nursing homes while Republican legislators are advancing a bill that could reduce such oversight.

Both initiatives are being advanced now due to a spate of deaths and serious injuries tied to regulatory violations in Iowa nursing homes. Republican lawmakers say the situation calls for a more “collaborative” approach to enforcement, while Democrats argue the state isn’t being tough enough on violators. Continue reading Republicans and Democrats offer competing solutions in Iowa Legislature to nursing home ‘crisis’