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Rapid rise in South Dakota home prices is ‘not sustainable,’ economist says

Average first-time homebuyers can expect to spend about two-fifths of their pre-tax income on a monthly payment for a house in South Dakota.

“This situation is unheard of,” said Dakota Institute CEO Jared McEntaffer.

He addressed the Governor’s Conference on Economic Development on Wednesday at the Sioux Falls Convention Center.

McEntaffer called home prices one of the biggest economic issues the state faces. His analysis highlighted the decoupling of housing costs from incomes, posing a challenge for attracting new workers. Continue reading Rapid rise in South Dakota home prices is ‘not sustainable,’ economist says

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Price goes up for Governor’s House program, but less than recent years

The homes built by inmates and sold to income-eligible South Dakotans will cost more come Friday, but the price hike is lower than it has been for the last three years.

The South Dakota Housing Development Authority Board voted Tuesday to increase the prices for Governor’s Houses, which are constructed at Mike Durfee State Prison in Springfield and shipped across the state to eligible buyers. 

There are two- and three-bedroom homes, as well as “DakotaPlex” options for more than one family in towns with 5,000 people or fewer, and day care models. Continue reading Price goes up for Governor’s House program, but less than recent years

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Results from Tuesday’s election

North Sioux City experienced what election officials called a higher-than-normal turnout for the four races for city council seats as 614 people cast their votes.

The higher voter turnout may have been at least partially due to the interest generated by the Union Square housing development as well as the proposed North Shore Drive bypass project. Another issue generating interest recently has been a proposed housing project by Mike Chicoine who lives outside the city, where he wants to build a canal for his housing development using water pumped from McCook Lake. Continue reading Results from Tuesday’s election

Does fiber broadband increase your home’s value?

There are always a lot of lofty claims associated with new products and services and this new FTTH has not been afraid to use them. One claim in particular is that the service will increase the value of one’s home. The claim is based on a single study done in 2015 and was sponsored by the Fiber Broadband Association, a national trade organization. Continue reading Does fiber broadband increase your home’s value?