Union County Court: 3/11 – 3/22/24

Following are two weeks worth of cases that have been disposed in the Union County courts. They include everything from traffic to trucking/transportation to criminal cases.

Included is a guide to one case that looks on the surface as if it has a high number of charges. But everything is not always as it appears at first glance.

There are also a couple of high fine amounts for truckers in this round of court activities. How high can they go? Continue reading Union County Court: 3/11 – 3/22/24

Union County Court: March 4-8, 2024

You may have noticed we’ve been neglecting to post the Union County Court Report on this site. I’m sorry for the lack of courtroom activity news on my part.

It could have been because I’ve been serving time in jail and haven’t had access to a computer in the hoosgow . . . but it’s not.

I just haven’t taken the time to transfer the information that Shannon Steckelberg, the Union County Deputy Clerk Magistrate works so hard to compile and send to me each week. My gosh, I’m having a shame attack just thinking about my lack of follow-through.

There. It’s over now. Whew! Continue reading Union County Court: March 4-8, 2024