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Iowa care facilities cited for resident abuse, lack of safe environment

Multiple Iowa nursing homes are facing fines for resident abuse and safety violations. The Happy Siesta Health Care Center in Remsen was fined for a serious safety violation, while other facilities were cited for neglect and abuse. The state is taking enforcement action to ensure the safety and well-being of nursing home residents. Continue reading Iowa care facilities cited for resident abuse, lack of safe environment

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15 Iowa puppy mills cited in Humane Society’s annual report

The Humane Society of the United States released its annual “Horrible Hundred” report, highlighting regulatory issues at 100 puppy mills nationwide, including 15 in Iowa. The report revealed violations at various Iowa breeders, including issues such as unsanitary conditions, lack of veterinary care, and poor record-keeping. The report emphasizes the need for public awareness of the realities of the industry. Continue reading 15 Iowa puppy mills cited in Humane Society’s annual report

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Restaurant inspection update for April: Undated food, dirty carts, bare hands

State, city and county food inspectors have cited Iowa and South Dakota restaurants and stores for hundreds of food-safety violations in recent weeks, including unsourced beef, lack of food thermometers, unclean equipment, handling food with bare hands, repeat violations and dirty kitchens.

The findings are reported by the Iowa Department of Inspections, Appeals and Licensing, which handles food-establishment inspections at the state level. South Dakota food establishment inspections are handled by the South Dakota Department of Health. Listed below are some of the findings that stem from inspections at Siouxland restaurants and convenience stores over the past four weeks or so.

Continue reading Restaurant inspection update for April: Undated food, dirty carts, bare hands

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The continuing saga of NSC City Hall: Parts 2.1 and 2.2

The North Sioux City Council met to canvass election votes, revealing wrong dates for plat tracts and absentee voter irregularities. The appointment of a new city alderman was delayed, and the finalization of a former city administrator’s severance package was approved. Additionally, routine agenda items and bill payments were discussed. Council also addressed future city administrator and alderman appointments. Continue reading The continuing saga of NSC City Hall: Parts 2.1 and 2.2

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Dakota Valley student to compete in Poetry Out Loud national finals

Grace Powell, a senior at Dakota Valley High School in North Sioux City, SD, won the South Dakota Poetry Out Loud state contest. She will compete in the national finals in Washington, D.C., with the chance to win a top prize of $20,000. The competition aims to promote poetry education and public speaking skills among high school students. Continue reading Dakota Valley student to compete in Poetry Out Loud national finals

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Union County Court: 3/25 – 4/12/2024

As the band Emerson, Lake and Palmer sang in their 1973 classic tune, Karn Evil 9:

“Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends
We’re so glad you could attend,
Come inside, come inside . . . ”

So too, the words might be said about the regular case dispositions by our county/state judiciary system. Following are three weeks’ worth of cases that have been disposed of in the Union County courts. They include everything from traffic to trucking/transportation to criminal cases to fishing without a license. Continue reading Union County Court: 3/25 – 4/12/2024

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To whom it may concern

I’m back with another installment of To Whom It May Concern, my multi-topic opinion column about the goings-on in Siouxland, South Dakota, the nation and the world. I’d been meaning to write this earlier – like last month – but things kept getting in the way. Like my health. I had a cold which turned into a bad sinus infection that kept me in bed for most of a week with a fever. Now that I’m almost 71, stuff like that seems to hit me particularly hard. It sucks getting old. But don’t cry for me Argentina, I’ve rebounded, for the most part. Continue reading To whom it may concern

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Immigrants are not the problem. Don’t believe the propaganda.

My folks floated over the pond with the cattle down below in steerage. One was an indentured servant, another a prison guard, others were among an army of Irish who helped drive the Native people off the Mississippi River near Dubuque to claim the lead mines. Still another branch settled the sloughs around Emmetsburg about the time the last Dakota were being driven out.

Immigrants. Good and not so good. The Mulroney brothers were not a welcome sight to the existing indigenous people when Fort Dodge was still a fort.

It cannot be avoided. It’s who we are, a nation of immigrants determined to write a new story for ourselves: That we came by it all fair and square; we did not. That we earned it; we stole it. And now that we are in control, we would rather keep others out. Until we need the cheap labor. Continue reading Immigrants are not the problem. Don’t believe the propaganda.

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EPA data: South Dakota industrial chemical releases rise amid national decline

Most mountain and plains states have seen reductions in pollutants released to the air, water and soil since 2013 at a rate of decline more than double the national average.

In South Dakota, though, toxic releases increased by 16%.

That’s according to recently published 2022 data from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Toxics Release Inventory. Continue reading EPA data: South Dakota industrial chemical releases rise amid national decline

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Rapid rise in South Dakota home prices is ‘not sustainable,’ economist says

Average first-time homebuyers can expect to spend about two-fifths of their pre-tax income on a monthly payment for a house in South Dakota.

“This situation is unheard of,” said Dakota Institute CEO Jared McEntaffer.

He addressed the Governor’s Conference on Economic Development on Wednesday at the Sioux Falls Convention Center.

McEntaffer called home prices one of the biggest economic issues the state faces. His analysis highlighted the decoupling of housing costs from incomes, posing a challenge for attracting new workers. Continue reading Rapid rise in South Dakota home prices is ‘not sustainable,’ economist says